What problems does a coach help to solve?

Coaching began to enjoy popularity in Western countries in the late 90s of the last century, now this phenomenon is experiencing a real heyday. Thanks to the Internet, you can conduct consultations online, being a hundred thousand kilometers from the client. The profession of a coach is in demand, well paid. However, some do not understand what the work of a specialist is and what problems he helps to solve. It is worth learning about them and using the services of a coach, if it is really necessary.

Definition and features

Coach in English means “coach”. However, it has nothing to do with physical culture. Many people confuse this term with a mentor, but there is a huge difference between them. A coach helps a person achieve a certain goal, which is determined in advance. A mentor, on the contrary, promotes personal growth. Achieving specific goals is not part of his duties.

The practical application of coaching is quite wide. He has a lot of directions. It can be:

● scientific;

● life;

● business;

● psychoanalytic;

● academic, etc.

In order for the coach’s work to bring positive results, i.e. it was possible to achieve the goal, the specialist must have the appropriate education. Today, everyone can, if desired, get a certificate by graduating from online courses, and consider themselves a pro. However, a true coach has to practice. Universities in California issue diplomas to specialists who have gained 3,000 hours of professional experience under the supervision of a specialist.

In what areas will a coach help?

Most often, a specialist helps in achieving personal goals. It can be:

● improving health;

● increase in wages/income;

● repayment of loans;

● cure of a certain disease;

● resolution of a difficult situation;

● getting rid of bad habits;

● elimination of blocks that prevent the achievement of certain results;

● career achievements and so on.

In fact, the list is quite wide. Experienced coaches help to solve specific problems. Most clients want to increase income and climb the career ladder.

Features of work

Most coaches work individually with each client. At the first meeting, conditions, goals, deadlines for achievement, features and other nuances are stipulated. The specialist gives a number of recommendations, makes a plan that will help to realize the plan.

In subsequent meetings, the client talks about successes and difficulties. The coach helps to identify errors, blocks, gives advice on their elimination. For 4-6 sessions, a person manages to get rid of certain problems and get closer to his goals.

It is important to understand that a coach will not do all the work for the client. They will only direct it in the necessary direction, will monitor the implementation of tasks, move forward. A specialist is not a magician. You will have to work on yourself and look for ways that will help in the implementation of the plan. If coaching is not taken seriously, there will be no results. The specialist will not be able to do anything to bring the client closer to his cherished dream.

At the same time, it is recommended to set realistic goals. With a salary of 3-5 thousand euros, it will be difficult to earn a million in 2-3 months or a year, even with the help of a real pro in coaching.

Some specialists conduct group classes. This format is also popular among people. You can make an appointment with a coach with more experience and pay less than for an individual consultation.

The principle of operation is similar. The difference is the need to listen to the achievements of other people, their goals, problems. Also, the specialist will devote less time to each client. However, for some, this format is quite convenient. If you have any questions, the coach will answer them individually.

Why doesn’t a coach help everyone?

It is impossible to hire a coach and solve all the problems. Not always one specialist is suitable for hundreds of clients, and the results after working with him are pleasing. Due to the huge number of coaches, it is difficult to understand who is really a professional. Reviews on networks can be customized.

In order not to lose money and not to put up with the low quality of services, it is worth paying attention to negative comments written on sites where a specialist cannot remove them on his own. It is worth understanding what problems the dissatisfied client faced, how the coach behaved, etc. In case of a serious conflict, it is better to look for other specialists.

In negative reviews about coaches, a number of patterns can be identified. People complain that they have not been able to achieve their goals. As a result, the consultations did not bring positive expectations. It is important to take responsibility for yourself, not to sit, but to work, to perform tasks, to look for ways that will help to realize your plans. A third-party person will not do this. Little depends on it. If you do nothing, the problem will not be solved.

How to choose a good coach?

Most coaches try to create their own brand. They maintain pages in social networks, share photos, publish posts on various topics. Image advertising is competent, this says that real pros are working on it. However, behind a good picture can hide a mediocre specialist.

It is best to test the coach. First of all, you need to learn about his education. If he does not have diplomas or certificates, and there are many enthusiastic reviews on social networks, you should be wary. Most likely, they are twisted.

It is important to check diplomas and certificates, learn about the experience, achievements of students. It is worth contacting them and asking how the classes are going, why this trainer was chosen, etc. A good solution would be to watch free videos, sign up for a trial lesson. Then evaluate the specialist and make a decision about working with him or looking for other options.


A coach is not able to solve a person’s problems, you should not delude yourself and try to throw your worries at the coach. The set goals will have to be achieved independently. The specialist will only monitor and give advice, identify fears, blocks that prevent you from getting what you want. You can refuse his services and independently achieve your goals. This requires self-discipline, attention to detail, flexibility and perseverance.